The Physical Changes that would be involved if a Human changed into a Wolf

This essay will assume that a WereWolf would turn into a Wolf that was a Wolf in every way, right down to the cellular level, which, as far as we can tell from folklore, they nearly always do. It will also assume, based on folklore, that most adult WereWolves would turn into a Wolf that is signifigantly larger than average Wolves, but about the same size as the average Alaskan Wolf.

Your eyes would become slightly slanted, and the eye sockets would change so that none of the white of your eyes showed unless you really rolled them far in one direction. Your eyes may very well change color, perhaps to yellow or yellow-green. The shape of your skull and entire head would change. Your jaws would lengthen as your nose and the whole lower part of your face elongated into a muzzle. Your nose would turn black and become shaped like a dog's nose. Your lips would blacken and stretch into a different shape. Your tongue would become thicker and at least twice as long and develop a rough texture that could rasp cartilage off bones. You would grown a fleshy bump on the roof of your mouth, towards the front, right behind your front teeth. On each side of this bump would be two holes, leading to a new organ you just grew (which was absent in your human form) called the vomernasal organ or organ of Jacobson. Since a Wolf has 42 teeth, and a human only about 24, you will be growing lots of new teeth, nearly doubling the number of teeth in your mouth. As a Wolf, you will have, on your top jaw, 4 small teeth in a row in the very front of your mouth. On the left and right side of this row will be two fang teeth almost twice as long, then there will be a gap (into which the real lower fangs fit) then the real upper fangs, which are much larger than the small fangs in the front. Behind the real upper fangs will be three very oval-shaped small molars on each side, then three odd-shaped huge molars, one of which, on each side, fits in front of the lower molars in such a way as to "shear" easily. Your ears will become much larger, pointed, and differently shaped, and they will move to the top of your head. The shape of the top of your head will change as your skull becomes longer and flatter. You will grow whiskers on each side of your nose and above your eyes (yes, Wolves, like cats and dogs, have whiskers). Your cheeks behind your jaws will bulge with the arched bone structure and powerful muscles nessessary to give you a powerful jaw strength. Your brain will become about a third of it's former size, even though your head looks roughly the same size, as nasal cavities, organs of smell, and muscles fill up much of the space inside your head. Your neck will become much longer, probably at least twice as long, and much much thicker as it bulges with muscles. In fact, for an observer, it will be hard to notice where your head ends and neck begins. The shape of your torso will change radically. Unless you already have a particularly long torso, it will get longer, from the bottom of your neck to your butt. Instead of your torso being very wide, from right side to left side, and very shallow, from front of chest to middle of back, like it is as a human, it will change so that your torso is very narrow, from right side to left side, and very deep (especially in the chest area) from center of back to center of chest. Your shoulders will shrink and disapear into your torso as it rounds, and your shoulder blades, which lie flat on your back in human form, will become vertical, laying against your sides with their ends sticking straight up close to the place where your neck and torso join, look at a cat to see how those blades look as it walks and they stick up. An observer would find it hard to notice exactly where your neck ends and torso begins, because they seem to flow into each other in your Wolf form. You would grow lots of nipples (yes all male animals have nipples too, just like male humans) so that you had ten of them running in two rows down your chest and tummy, and if you are female, your breasts would shrink to mere nipples flat against your chest (unless you were lactating, then you might change into a lactating female wolf with breasts, but generally in animals the breasts that are not sucked regularly shrink back to nipples, so you may only have the two breasts that you feed your baby with present as a wolf, and the rest just flat nipples). Your hands would become much longer (a Wolf only rests the front part of the "palm" of it's "hand" on the ground, the heel of the "palm" is fur covered and high in the air) with your thumbs shrinking and pulling up next to the wrist where they don't rest on the ground. The front part of your palm would change into the spongy, thick, bulbous, calloused pad of a Wolf's paw. As the Wolf, like Dogs, has very long toes that naturally rest in a half-circle shape with the only part of the toe to touch the ground being the enlarged, spongy, bulbous pads of the "fingertips" (examine a Dog's, or Cats, paws to see this) your fingers would lenthen, thicken, and change shape while tendons pulled them into a position of being bent in a half-circle as their natural, position whenever you are not stretching them. Your fingertips would get larger, and grow bulbous pads. Your fingernails would change into claws. Your arms, from wrist to elbow, would grow much longer, and your arms, from elbow to shoulder-joint, would grow much shorter. Your elbow as a Wolf would be almost exactly at the same height as the bottom of your chest (look at any picture of a Wolf or Dog to see this). Your hindquarters would change shape radically, your butt becoming less fleshy and very angular, with greater depth from back to front and much greater narrowness from side to side. The shape of your legs and the way they attatched to your body would change radically. Your feet would greatly lengthen, because the "backwards knee" of Wolves is really their heel, high in the air. The pad in the sole of your foot that is right behind your toes would develop into a calloused, spongy, Wolf's paw pad. Your toes would get, on average, over three times as long as when you are in your human form, thicken, pull into half-circle shapes, and the toe tips would develop into round, fleshy pads. One of your toes would shrink and disapear, because Wolves have only 4 toes on their hind feet, but I'm not sure which toe, maybe your little toe, maybe your big toe. All the remaining toes would have their fingernails turn into blunt claws, perhaps blackish. The proportions and shape of your legs, knee to heel, and knee to hip, would change. Both of your legs would become very flat from side to side. Tendons would pull your knee into a position where it was, as it's natural unstretched position, fairly bent. Muscles and flesh would form behind your knee, binding the leg part between the hip and the knee to the leg part between the knee and about halfway between knee and heel into a roughly half-circle shape (look at any pictures of Wolves, Cats, or Dogs to see this). The legs would connect differently to the pelvis, falling directly under it, and changing angle in other ways so that standing on you hind legs straight up-and-down would be nearly impossible. You would grow a tail of a foot long, or 18 inches long, covered with thick fur and with an oily gland on the upper side, near the base. If you are female, your clitois will migrate until it is inside your vagina, and all your exterior sexual organs, such as your vagina lips, will be covered with thick, short fur. If you are male, you will develop a sheath or "pouch" located partially inside your body, and your penis will be drawn into it inside your body (although, with a voluntary muscle action, you'll be able to push it out when you want) so that it is out of the way of whatever could happen to it while running through thorn bushes. Your penis will change shape, becoming narrower, and it's surface will develop the red, wet look of a part of the inside of the body that has no skin covering, only membranes, such as the inside of your cheeks looks. Your penis will also develop a bone in it's center to keep it permanently "erect", nearly all male animals have a penis bone instead of the human solution of waiting for blood pressure to stiffen the floppy thing. Your balls will stop hanging and be drawn up tight directly under your anus, like the way a Cat's balls are, and they won't flop around. Your balls, and all your sexual parts except the penis, will become covered with thick, short fur.

Many internal changes will happen, changes in your heart, lungs and many other organs will happen. Organs will move into a new position, change shape or size, and change in subtle, internal ways to become more efficient. Your intestines will become much shorter and less volumeous. Your stomach will become able to hold (and digest in a few hours) 20 pounds of meat, and your throat will be large and flexible enough to swallow huge pieces of food whole. Your nerve density, in your skin, will increase GREATly, you'll practically have new-forming nerves crawling through your skin. You will grow new glands, or greatly develop practically non-functioning glands, all over, including glands in your paws and two active, large, anal glands. In Wolves, the brain is generally larger than a dog's brain. Although humans envolutionarily developed larger brains altogether and larger cerebrums, (cerebrum: the part involved with concious thought, intelligence, abstract thinking) Wolves developed larger cerebrums and the rest of the brain drastically shrunk. This is because Wolves couldn't really afford larger heads. The proportion of a Wolf's skull case occupied by the cerebrum is much larger than the proportion of a human's skull case occupied by their cerebrum. A Wolf's cerebrum leaves only a little room at the back of their skull for everything else. This is in great contrast to a brain of a grazing animal, which has it's cerebrum only occupying a few little wrinkles towards the front of their brain. I am unable to determine if, or how much, your cerebrum will shrink if you changed into a Wolf, but the overall size of your brain will shrink and the non-cerebrum parts will really shrink. Your senses will become so much sharper, especially hearing and smell, than you as a human that you will probably be practically "high" or "drunk" on them until you get used to it (perhaps the "mind of beast" condition takes care of that problem by BEING a Wolf who can already handle it, and only slowly becoming more human in cognition, as the human becomes used to the sense overload, or maybe the sense overload causes some of the "mind of the beast" mentality). :)

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